Saturday, July 10, 2010

May 31 orientation

First day orientation day in Phifocy class. Phifocy is my 1st 6-9 class since I came back from the US after my 1 year leave of absence from the college.5:50pm I arrived in class scheming for a friendly face. Today wasn't my lucky day at all I didn't know anyone in class. Then I realized I have to make friends or even just an acquaintance. I'll be in class 3 hours, once a week. I met a couple of students who share the same feeling that I did. A feeling of being left out. 6pm on the dot our professor came. It was the first time that I saw her. Silently she entered the class and stand at the center of the platform. Our professor is young. I think she’s around 23-25. As I find myself sitting at the back, we waited for another 10 minutes before we start the session. Our professor told us that she’s expecting 40 students in that section. Before introducing herself, she asked us to double check our EAF’s to make sure if we really belong to the class, since there’s two PHIFOCY class this term.

The syllabus was distributed to us while our professor was setting up the computer for her power point presentation. As we scheme to the paper in our hands I found certain activities that I was confused about, learning logs, note-making, note-taking and blogs.. It was explained clearly to us. So I'm good. And being the obsessive compulsive person that I am I wrote every explanation that our professor stated about her requirements. We were asked to join an egroup which was new to me since I am only used in using yahoo groups. The attendance was based on joining the egroups which was great. When I arrived at home, I schemed and open every link in the Egroup, yes I was curious. I was amazed on how the Egroups is organized, I tried to check the schedule of discussion for the whole term in class our professor even have it on PDF file. Which made me happy because this only means that she knows what she wants to teach us even before the term starts.

My ID number is 107. That means that my batch mates already told me or gave me a brief background on what I expect to learn in this class. I know that this subject will be the foundation of my other subjects. Since it’s Philippine Foreign Policy. I am expecting to know the approach, procedure and application of our country’s foreign policy and to be able to analyze it critically based on my learning in this course. With the reading list that I saw on our Egroups I know that it would be beneficiary for me since I love to read. I know I will pass this course not just because I need to but I want to.

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